It's Times Like These That I Feel Thankful for The Washing Machine
I don't want to see another load of laundry again for at least a week. I decided today to get through all of the laundering that needed to happen to the clothes we took with us to Ecuador, and I've been at it all day. It's taking a long time because there are many specialty items, things that don't go in the dryer and for which I need to find indoor air drying space. I took my crampons into the shower with me to really have a go at them, but some of the dirt was too much for my old-toothbrush-and-soap combo. I want to go to the store to get some oil that I can put on there and hopefully loosen the rest of the crap, and then put on a light coat to treat them until the next use.
Ideally, I'd like to air out some of the mustier non-washables, like my sleeping bag and hard shells, but the entire deck is wet. It snowed again and, although much of the snow melted today, the deck is still wet. I managed to air out my backpacks yesterday when a thin strip of deck dried close to the house, but that's been about it.
Josh is going to a Caps game tonight, so I am on my own for dinner and evening amusements. Looks like a night of drinking alone for me!
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